Career Related Website

One of my favorites website is Instagram, in this website you can see a lot of things, incluse things with regard to dentistry. There are differents profiles whit things related with anatomy, biology, physical and chemical a lot of this focus in teaching. The form that they profiles teaching is really didactic, with a lot of photos, videos and short words that impact and left on your mind.
The profile focus in oral area, show things like oral diseases, how brush your teeths, people that do a tooth whitening, how improve oral health, de anatomy of your face, the number of your teeths, and a lot of things. 
The profile that I most visit, like once a week is @Dentistry.chile, in this profile you can see a lof of clinical cases with the before and after, and I feel satisfaction when seeing peolple with severe dental cavitys, and the form that one dentistry can help that people.
If you like visit this website, in your instagram search dentistry.chile, and you can see all the cases that you like.


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